Consortium Formed in VA 2016, Site Visits 1 Report 1
Blogs: 5 Site Visits: 1 Reports 2
Site Visits: 2 Reports 2
Chair: Bret Borota Site Visits: 1 Reports: 1
Chair: Bret Borota Chair: Miriam Schwarz Site Visits: Volva Cars & Ericsson
NBS Group Formed Digital-age management Drucker Forum - Vienna WAF - Lisbon
Drucker Forum- Vienna WAF- Liston 12 Weeks Master Class
Name Change New Board & Members
The COL will foster aglity, bring humanity, discovery and enlightenment to help organizations evolve into 21st Century practices
Obtain and provide support for educational institutions and nonprofit organizations conducting research, education, or other outreach programs and related concepts and their impact on workplace organizational theory.
Sponsor educational conferences that advance research and study of the cause and nature of high- performing organ and related concepts
Sponsor educational webinars, podcasts, seminars and other outreach activities that educate the public on the world's most advanced organizational, leadership and management goals, principles and practices related concepts.
Collaborate with educational institutions to promote educational programs that advance excellence in the workplace using approaches.
Develop methods for disseminating information and sharing literature with the public by various methods such as presentations, websites, newsletters, an online library of case sales-o-one support using online and social media platforms for education and coaching.